Dent-med materials


Meer dan 10 jaar publiceerde Geistlich Biomaterials de Indication Sheets. Een collectie van klinische behandelconcepten uitgelegd en becommentarieerd door de behandelaar zelf. Deze indication sheets zijn in een nieuw jasje gestoken, met digitale functies en een nieuwe naam: BioBrief. De toegevoegde waarde van de BioBrief zit in de uitgebreide flyer, een kort webinar en een online bibliotheek.

Extractie Socket Management

Dr. Daniele Cardaropoli

Ridge Augmentation and Delayed Implant Placement on an Upper Lateral Incisor

Spreker: dr. Daniele Cardaropoli

Dr. Alecsandru Lonescu

Using the Golden Standard in open-healing technique: Geistlich Bio-Gide®

Spreker: dr. Alecsandru Ionescu

Dr. Peter Hunt

Immediate Mandibular Molar Transition

Spreker: dr. Peter Hunt

Kleine Botaugmentaties

Dr. Avainash Bidra

Successful implant placement and horizontal augmentation for bilateral congenitally missing maxillary incisors

Spreker: dr. Avainash Bidra

Prof. Ronald Jung

L-Shape Technique as a means of bone augmentation together with early implant placement

Spreker: prof. Ronald Jung

Dr John M. Sisto

Lateral Ridge Augmentation in the Posterior Mandible

Spreker: dr. John M. Sisto

Dr. Justin Kang

Horizontal Ridge Augmentation in the esthetic zone

Spreker: dr. Justin Kang

Restoring aesthetics and function at immediate implants with Geistlich Bio-Oss® Collagen

Restoring aesthetics and function at immediate implants with Geistlich Bio-Oss® Collagen - Kleine Botaugmentaties

Spreker: dr. Pretam Gharat

Early implant placement in the esthetic zone

Early implant placement in the esthetic zone

Spreker: dr. Antoine Popelut

Grote Botaugmentaties

Dr. Richard E. Bauer

Ramal Bone Graft for Congenitally Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisor

Spreker: dr. Richard E. Bauer

Prof. Matteo Chiapasco & Dr. Grazia Tommasato

3-D bone augmentation using a CAD/CAM customized titanium mesh in conjunction with autogenous bone and bovine bone mineral granules

Sprekers: prof. Matteo Chiapasco en dr. Grazia Tommasato

Dr. Pierre Marin

Regenration of post-traumatic complex bone defect with a personalized 3D titanium scaffold

Spreker: dr. Pierre Marin

Dr. Arnd Lohmann

Lateral and vertical bone regeneration with simultaneous soft tissue augmentation

Spreker: dr. Arnd Lohmann

Dr. Christopher Ho

Advanced Ridge Augmentation with 3-D printed titanium scaffold

Spreker: dr. Christopher Ho

Dr. Aarnoud Hoekema

Bone augmentation for large maxillomandibular advancements in orthognathic surgery

Spreker: dr. Aarnoud Hoekema

Dr. Paolo Casentini

Prosthetically Guided Regeneration (PGR) in the posterior maxilla

Spreker: dr. Paolo Casentini

Filling the buccal gap at immediate implant placement with Geistlich Bio-Oss® Collagen

Filling the buccal gap at immediate implant placement with Geistlich Bio-Oss® Collagen

Spreker: dr. Rafaela Nigro en Prof. dr. Frederico Nigro

Combined horizontal and vertical regeneration using CAD-CAM titanium scaffold

Combined horizontal and vertical regeneration using CAD-CAM titanium scaffold

Spreker: dr. Gian Maria Ragucci en prof. Federico Hernández-Alfaro

Parodontale Regeneratie

Treatment of a periodontal defect in the furcation of the maxillary premolar with Regenfast® and Geistlich Bio-Oss®

Treatment of a periodontal defect in the furcation of the maxillary premolar with Regenfast® and Geistlich Bio-Oss®

Spreker: dr. Philippe Doucet

REGENFAST® in the treatment of infrabony defects

REGENFAST® in the treatment of infrabony defects

Spreker: dr. Francesco Cairo


Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón

Reconstructive therapy of peri-implant-related intrabony defect

Spreker: dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón

Dr. Hector Sarmiento

A regenerative approach to Peri-implantitis

Spreker: dr. Hector Sarmiento

Soft-Tissue Regeneration

Dr Vinay Bhide

Root Coverage for Multiple Adjacent Teeth in the Maxilla with Geistlich Fibro-Gide®

Spreker: dr. Vinay Bhide

Dr. Francesco Cairo

Root coverage at multiple gingival recessions with coronally advanced flap and Geistlich Fibro-Gide®

Spreker: dr. Francesco Cairo

Dr. Daniel D. Gober

Geistlich Mucograft® for the treatment of multiple adjacent recession defects: A more “palatable” option

Spreker: dr. Daniel D. Gober

Dr. Giorgio Tabanella

The Buccal Pedicle Flap for Peri-implant Soft Tissue Boosting

Spreker: dr. Giorgio Tabanella

Dr. Daniel S. Thoma

Soft-tissue augmentation in the esthetic zone

Spreker: dr. Daniel S. Thoma

Dr. Ignacio Sanz Sánchez

Root coverage with a dimensional stable collagen matrix

Spreker: dr. Ignacio Sanz Sánchez

Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigon en Dr. Erik Regidor Correa

Clinical efficacy of Geistlich Mucograft® in regeneration of oral mucosa combined with the surgical treatment of peri-implantitis in implants without keratinized tissue

Sprekers: dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigon en dr. Erik Regidor Correa

Dr. Martina Stefanini

Soft-tissue augmetation procedure with the use of a collagen matrix

Spreker: dr. Martina Stefanini

Root coverage of multiple gingival recessions with Geistlich Fibro-Gide® and REGENFAST®

Root coverage of multiple gingival recessions with Geistlich Fibro-Gide® and REGENFAST®

Sprekers: dr. Daniele Cardaropoli

Dr. Alecsandru Lonescu

Dr. Alecsandru Lonescu